These Corella pears were one of the highlights of my week - gorgeous aren't they!
My usual solution is to dash off little notes and mini recipes to share (with quickly snapped iPhone photos) on Instagram and Facebook throughout the day - phone in one hand, spatula or pen in the other. But then all those interesting questions and answers from readers and links to articles and recipes seem to get lost in Facebook cyberspace... And my favourite photos of the week disappear into the backlog of Instagram photos.
One of our recent discussions was 'where in the world do you live?'
I'm on the Atherton Tablelands, in the mountains west of Cairns,
Far North Queensland, Australia. How about you?
I've decided to share the best discussions, photos, and links here with you each week, so that way they're easier to find again. Then next time someone says, 'What can I cook for my friend who is going into hospital and needs some freezable meals for the family?' I can say, 'There's a whole list of ideas right here!' Good idea? I think so. :)
I know Friday isn't really the end of the week, but it's a day we all look forward to because the weekend is nearly here, right? Therefore, my 'Weekly Highlights' will be shared on Fridays! I hope you enjoy the photos and find the discussions and links helpful.
Happy Friday!
Yep, this is where I live. Just around the corner from my house. Blessed.
PS On Saturdays, I'd love for you all to join in by sharing the highlights of your week (favourite blogs and FB pages, interesting articles, great recipes, best pins on Pinterest...) on my Saturday Shout Out post on my Facebook page. I want hear what you've been reading and enjoying too!
Dairy free dulce de leche
I think this recipe was one of the biggest highlights of my week, and made quite a few dairy free people very happy! Pictured here as the topping for a chocolate chip coconut flour brownie. Recipe for dulce de leche is here if you missed it. Also includes a recipe for dairy free condensed milk.
By the way, dulce de leche is awesome on strawberries. You're welcome.
Recipes for citrus fruit
So many great ideas here, for those of you who are overloaded with an abundance of citrus fruit at the moment - and the recipes are not just for food. Check out the cleaning spray!
Winter dinner ideas
Need some ideas for warming winter meals? Plenty of inspiration here. (If you want a particular recipe, just ask!)
Winter dinner ideas
Need some ideas for warming winter meals? Plenty of inspiration here. (If you want a particular recipe, just ask!)
How to make your own gluten free flour mix
Here is my recipe for GF flour, for biscuits, slices and cakes. I've also tried it in scones with success. (You won't be able to use it cup for cup in regular yeast bread recipes, stick to gluten free bread recipes.) To make this mix into self raising flour, you just add 1 tsp of baking powder per cup of flour. (1 cup of flour = 150g)
Dry to liquid sugar substitution chart
A handy chart if you're wanting to convert recipes from white sugar to honey, rice malt syrup or pure maple syrup. (Use same amounts for honey and maple syrup.)
Bulk, freezable, cook ahead meals
We all need these now and then - when preparing for a new baby arriving, or to help out a friend who's sick. Plenty of great ideas here for cooking in bulk.
Mexican black bean & chorizo soup
Mexican feast over at Confetti Mag's blog
The Confetti Mag team and I had a bit of fun cooking together, and this week they put up some recipes and photos of our mini Mexican feast on their blog. More recipes to come! Check it out here.
(And if you haven't already, make sure you subscribe to their online magazine - it's beautiful, and free!)
One of the most fascinating things I learnt this week was how coconut oil can help to get rid of candida. I knew it was amazing stuff, but wow! See more on this topic here.
Ketogenic diet to manage epilepsy
An interesting discussion here about using diet to manage severe epilepsy, and where to find out more about it.
One of the most fascinating things I learnt this week was how coconut oil can help to get rid of candida. I knew it was amazing stuff, but wow! See more on this topic here.
"I am a walking testimonial to the benefits of a low carbohydrate/ high fat diet with regard to Candida and cystitis. I used to purchase Monistat two or three packages at a time. Now I use lots of coconut oil for cooking and eat plenty of coconut products such as fresh coconut, coconut flakes, and coconut milk. Coconut contains capric/caprylic acid and lauric acid both proven to kill Candida while leaving healthy intestinal flora intact. I was taking a long-term, broad-spectrum antibiotic for chronic cystitis for over two years and now its been two years since I stopped refilling the prescription with no recurrence! By far the most remarkable transformation occurred when I started using coconut oil and simultaneously eliminated skim milk and all soy products from my diet. And I lost weight! – Laura (The Coconut Diet Forums.)"
Ketogenic diet to manage epilepsy
An interesting discussion here about using diet to manage severe epilepsy, and where to find out more about it.
Fructose malabsorption
I seem to get questions about recipes for those with fructose malabsorption a lot lately. In this post readers have shared ideas for high protein snacks/drinks for someone with fructose malabsorption, who is also dairy intolerant and sensitive to high salicylates and amines! She also can't have potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, sweet peppers, chili peppers, paprika and cayenne pepper.
And here you'll find more ideas for lunchbox and party foods for children with fructose malabsorption.

And one last photo of those lovely Corella pears, before they get eaten...
I had to laugh... I bought these pears to look at (because I'm unpractical like that sometimes), and posted this arty photo on my FB page, and one of the comments was, 'great for constipation'. LOL! I guess not everyone thinks of pears as art. :D So funny.
Have a great weekend, guys! xx
Low FODMAP diet
For those looking for low FODMAP recipes, here's some links and sites to help you in this post.
How to live to 116 years old...
Love it!! (via the Healthy Home Economist)

Last week's Saturday Shout Out!
Reader's favourite blog posts, articles, sites, pins, FB pages...
I especially found this article on 'How Caffeine Short Circuits Creativity' fascinating! Think twice before you drink coffee to stay alert, if you're trying to think creatively!
My little kitchen
I don't know if you'll find this inspiring, exactly... but I thought you might like to see a glimpse of my home and my little kitchen. People who visit are often surprised that I don't have a big fancy kitchen and yet I do so much cooking and food photography. I'd love a big fancy kitchen... but you make do with what you've got, right? You don't need a big kitchen to cook amazing food. :)
My favourite photo from last week
Just had to share this one. My little girl looking for shells, Kurrimine Beach, FNQ. Taken with my iPhone, as usual. Love it.
And one last photo of those lovely Corella pears, before they get eaten...
I had to laugh... I bought these pears to look at (because I'm unpractical like that sometimes), and posted this arty photo on my FB page, and one of the comments was, 'great for constipation'. LOL! I guess not everyone thinks of pears as art. :D So funny.
Have a great weekend, guys! xx
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