My mind is blank... what to eat this week??? Hmm, better go get some inspiration from the Thermomix forum! Always plenty of good ideas there...
I also need to start thinking about Christmas cooking, and play with some ideas for the Thermomix Christmas Cooking Class. (For those of you who live on the Atherton Tablelands, I hope you can come to our cooking class - it will be on Monday the 7th December, 6.30-9.00 pm, at the Atherton Golf Club. $15 per person, which includes lots of yummy Christmas food, a cookbook-let of the recipes we make, and lots of prizes and give-aways. Please let me know if you can come!)
I did try a Varoma recipe that would be nice for Christmas - the turkey leg wrapped in bacon, with potatoes - it was delicious, but took a little longer than the recipe said. (Definately worth it though!)

Turkey legs in the Varoma basket - those are big legs!!
The potatoes were cooked in the basket at the same time as the turkey was cooking on top. Peas can be added to the Varoma basket towards the end of the cooking time.
If you'd like some help with planning your menu, visit Menu Plan Monday at orgjunkie.com.
(TMX) = Prepared and/or cooked in my Thermomix
Monday (clean out the fridge day):
(lunch) Turkey gumbo (from leftover turkey) & beetroot salad (TMX)
(dinner) Chicken-fried steak and Gemuse Eintopf (TMX)
Tuesday (poultry):
(lunch) Thai chilli chicken (TMX) with rice & stir-fry veges (TMX)
Wednesday (vegetarian):
(lunch) Tuna salad sandwiches on spelt bread (TMX)
(dinner) Lentil bolognaise (TMX) & salad
Thursday (meat):
(lunch) Sausage Strata (TMX) & salad
(dinner) Leftovers from lunch - going out
Friday (fish):
(lunch) Raw pasta sauce (TMX) on spelt noodles
(dinner) Grilled fish with almonds, mashed potatoes (TMX) & salad
Saturday (vege):
(lunch) Baked potatoes & raw vege sticks
(dinner) Mexican quinoa (TMX version) & salad
Sunday (meat):
(lunch) Nachos with red beans (TMX)
(dinner) Steak & baked veges & salad
[Note: salads generally depend on what's in the fridge and garden!]
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