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Random Facts About Me

I've been tagged!

Kristen at {Me vs Myself} has tagged me for a Kreativ Blogger Award, mentioning my blog as one she loves to read. (Thank you Kristen!) So now it's my turn to pass it on... What I have to to do is answer 10 questions about myself, give you 10 random facts about myself, and then tag 7 amazing women that I love to read. {If reading random facts about other people bores you, please feel free to skip on down the page to the list of blogs I've linked to - they're probably more interesting than random facts about me!! Lol!}

Okay, here goes...

The Ten Questions

1. What is my favourite song? Well, I seem to have a new favourite song every couple of weeks... But one that is really special to me is "Day is Done," a lullaby by Nancy Honeytree that I sang to each of my four kids as babies and young children, because it brings back precious memories of holding my babies and singing to them. My oldest girl knew the whole song off by heart by the time she was three - so cute. "Day is done, gone the sun, but we need not fear. Darkness comes that we may see the stars and know that God is near..."

2. My favourite dessert? That would have to be something chocolate and comfort-food-ish... like Chocolate Self Saucing Pudding, served hot with homemade coconut milk vanilla ice cream :)

3. What ticks me off? People who think way too much of themselves, especially guys who think they're God's gift to women! Ugh!!

4. When I'm upset, what do I do? Retreat into my shell, disappear if I can, keep out of everyone's way til I get over it. Which usually doesn't take me too long. :)

5. What is my favourite pet? A horse. Not that I've ever had one - ha ha!! But it was always my childhood dream. The closest I ever got was a mischievous donkey that chased the neighbour's cows and tried to get me off his back by running under low branches...

6. What do I prefer - black or white? Black. It looks classy, and doesn't show all the food spatters from my constant cooking. ;)

7. What is my biggest fear? Losing my children. I hope they'll always be close to me, if not in body, at least in spirit.

8. What is my attitude? "Life is like a great big canvas. Throw all the paint on it you can." (Danny Kaye) And don't be afraid to make a mess. (Me)

9. What is perfection? God. That's about it. It sure isn't me!!

10. What is my guilty pleasure? A late night snack of a square or two of Lindt 70% cocoa chocolate dipped into homemade macadamia-cashew-almond nut butter. Okay, maybe three squares.

Ten Random Facts About Me

1. My parents are from Texas (USA) and we did lots of travelling when I was a kid. I love to travel. And I love my family. (I have two sisters and a brother.)

2. When I was growing up, we had no TV, no computer, no nintendo/play station/wii... and I think that's what helped all of us kids become so creative! I spent my spare time playing outside, reading, writing, drawing, painting, sculpting, playing the piano and cooking.

3. I've always loved art, sold my first artwork at 16, went to university to study art, and then became a graphic artist. I worked from home as a graphic artist after having kids.

4. I learnt to drive in a 1968 Mustang on the back roads of West Texas, amongst the cotton fields. My dad used to be into drag racing (before he became a pastor!), and he taught me how to race start and race shift. I used to beat the guys in their hot cars at stop lights. It doesn't work so well in a 7-seater van. ;)

5. My mum taught me to cook at a very young age. She encouraged us to experiment and make up recipes. My favourite experiments always had something to do with chocolate cake!

6. We have four kids - two girls, two boys, aged nearly 15 down to 8 - and I homeschool them. Yes, I am crazy.

7. I am not a super woman. My house is generally a mess. Just in case you wondered. I'd rather 'create' than clean.

8. I think people are so interesting. I love to meet new people, chat, and spend time cooking with friends. That's why I love my job. :)

9. I'm never bored. I don't know how anyone could be bored! There's so much to do and learn and see and read and I just wish I had time for it all!!

10. I'm writing a cookbook of my quirky recipes and tips, and I'm really excited about it!!! :D

Seven Blogs I Enjoy Reading

(There's way too many to choose from, so I'm sharing seven creatively healthy Thermomix blogs!)

Sorry if your blog's not on the list - I was only allowed seven. Happy reading! :)
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